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Nous envoyer un mail en Thaïlande c'est via ce formulaire :

Merci pour votre envoi ! on vous répondra ! promis !

Etape n°4: On se prépare à partir (Décembre 2019)

Tout est presque tout calé ;-), il reste encore plein de trucs à faire mais on est confiant.

à oui quelques info. On laisse notre maison en collocation en Janvier 2020. On décolle le 7 Février 2020. On revient en Août 2020.

Pour nous écrire c'est avec le formulaire ci-dessous pour éviter trop de courriers indésirables.

et si vous voulez voir où l'on va c'est à Sangklaburi

cliquez ici pour voir sur une carte

Etape n°3: Choisir et Lancer (Juillet 2019)

Quand on est clair c'est super simple tout le rétro planning et les infos sont sur

Etape n°2: Rassurer nos enfants, amis, collègues et expliquer (Janvier 2019 aussi)

French explanations for our friends (explications en Français)

“les MarceCloWnS partent en Asie”

Etape n°1: L'appel à projets (Janvier 2019)

Asia solidarity trip presentation:

“the clown family on the way”

photo family thailand.jpg
zabeth ralph

“the clown family on the way” (english version only)
From February 1st 2020 to July 30th 2020

Elisabeth is a mathematical and physical professor in a technical college in Toulouse (France), a Saint Vincent de Paul establishment created by the girls of Charity welcoming young people from any environment, any culture, any religion:
“I have the talent to motivate and restore confidence to students in difficulty and even make them love math! I also have the talent to be able to build intercultural and interreligious projects: spring of the talents, festival of the fraternity...
As a Pink Blouse in a hospital, I do animation with sick children: songs, guitar, piano, improvisation theater, clown, games, drawing and creative activities. I am also director in scouting and several summer camps."

Raphael is computer science engineer. He has the talent to coordinate teams, to boost momentum to others. He created in 2010 with Elisabeth a "solidarity farm" ( ):  a non-government organization at Toulouse (France), a place of healing, intercultural, interfaith and intergenerational for everybody, children, migrants, homeless persons, disabled persons … The project has built several partnerships with the companions of Emmaüs, the Arche of Jean Vanier, Children's homes, …
“I have the talent to be innovative and creative. I want to share my skills but specially to learn. I have the knowledge and practice of animal mediation: with horse, sheep, goat and dog. I have the talent to allow people to (re) gain confidence through animal mediation. I like to laugh myself, make others laugh, play sports, and memorize these precious moments through a video or photo montage. I come with my camera and computer with editing studio”.

We travel with our 2 daughters: Myriam and Kim
Myriam, she is 15 years old, she loves dancing and organize dance workshops to children during her holydays. Myriam is curious and likes to share with other people who speak English.
Kim, she is 12 years old, she loves doing handicrafts and playing.
They will continue their school by correspondence. They will be happy to be integrated with other children of their age. Our two children also do scouting and share scouting's values: simple life in nature, solidarity, mutual help, creativity, sharing, living together in peace ...

To escape our life in France? No, because we are well in our work, we love what we do, we are attached to our family, our colleagues, our neighbors. But it’s rather:
-    to be more in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of the world, and share other cultures, other religions, to enrich each other.
-    to bring the lightness and joy that is in our heart and share with our people our creative talents: music, dance, improvisation, clown, video, drawing ...
-    to have more respect for nature.
-    To share and progress in non-violent communication to be together builders of peace and fraternity.
-    To allow our children to create friendships in the world and not to see in any foreign country an "enemy" (as often the media broadcast ...)
-    To allow to build projects of international solidarity and interfaith and intercultural exchanges with our technical College on our return. 
-    To allow this trip to be an enrichment for the "solidarity farm".

If you like our travel project in Thailand, and if you want to welcome our family and if you want to spend some time with us for a mutual enrichment, set up projects together, create a link, contact us!

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